Since I've found myself, discovering a new part of my life in the last 8 months being a new found "Farmgirl", working the garden, canning, freezing and every thing else that goes along with it, I've become a bit isolated in my own little world. I've discovered that yes, I still talk with my friends and family, keep up with my facebook world and of course my duties at church, but what I don't do is meet new people. I mean all types of people!! After 22 plus years in the Personnel industry I miss meeting and talking with new folks, and of course in the people industry when you're interviewing and trying to place these people you learn a lot about them, some you need to know and more often than not more than you want to know. So I've found myself striking up conversations while out shopping. Now keep in mind I try really hard to limit my shopping visits to once or twice a week to save on gas (and my pocketbook) but I do enjoy those outings once I'm there.
Last week during my trip for weekly supplies, on my list were canning jars. Keep in mind this is the biggest our garden has ever been. My dear hubby and I have always worked and kinda had the garden as a pleasure, a few of this and a little bit of that but this year since I wasn't working a public job we decided on a bit more. So as the garden started producing (Thank the Lord) I discovered, man oh man I don't have enough canning jars!! So this particular trip was my third for jars. While I was loading my cart with the jars this really nice looking elderly man with his straw hat on and riding a "scoot about" made the comment to me, "looks like somebody is getting ready to get busy", my comment back was you're right, but sir I've been busy this is my third trip for jars. His response was little lady I have a shed full of those things I will never use!! "Perhaps you should advertise those treasures and get yourself a few dollars", was my reply. Now keep in mind after dealing with folks for so many years I feel like I can pretty much size a person up, have I been wrong before?? You betcha but I didn't think so with this kind man in his "scoot about". So we exchanged names and address's, not thinking I would ever hear from him again I went ahead and purchased my jars.
The very next day during a pouring rain storm, this kind man with, whom I assume was his wife showed up at my house with 9 cases of canning jars!!! I went out to help him, this kind person couldn't hardly hold on to his truck and walk to me with these cases but was so kind as to bring them even though he had to stop and buy a map because he wasn't really sure where I lived. I offered and offered to "pay" for these treasures and his response was "I'm a man of my word"!!! After trying one last time to pay this dear person, he looked down on my driveway holding on to his truck and looked up at me and stated, "look I got paid" with the biggest smile I believe I have ever seen!! I smiled back and said "pennies from heaven" he had found a penny in my driveway!!!
When I'm no longer able to can and do the the things I'm doing now that I've grown so to love, I'm telling my children and grand's don't sell these old relic's ...go to the local store in the canning isle and look for someone who's loading their cart with jars, trying their best to provide and preserve what they have taken so very care of to feed their family, be kind and deliver all these jars even if it's in the pouring rain...you just might get a "penny from heaven"!!
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