At this point in this journey I call life, we have one grandchild...Nataleigh, and she is indeed the apple of our eye. My hubby and I have three wonderful son's and a dear daughter in law, so when God blessed us with this precious little girl we were thrilled to finally have a baby girl. At a mere 3lbs 11 oz. at birth the first thing Papa said was "look at our little Nat Bug" and the nickname has stuck on this side of the family. Our little Nat Bug loves the outdoors and anything that goes along with it. Her swing, slide and playhouse she has in our backyard along with a covered sandbox to top it off, so she can build all the princess's castles she wants for as long as she wants, but I think her favorite of the yard are the flowers and the garden. She loves to smell, pick and most important water!! It doesn't matter if we just had a glorious rain or just got a thorough watering she'll look at me and say "time to water Mima" so out we go to water again!! Keep in mind we only give her a little water at a time in her watering can due to weight and the thought of changing her clothes every few minutes so it takes a lot of trips watering the garden, but she doesn't mind and will water and water till we finally say "plants all watered" time to give them a break.
At her MommyDaddy's (notice that's all one word, that's what she calls them while she's here) they have a very nice little container garden area and she diligently water's it daily and takes great pride in showing it off when Mima and Papa goes to visit.
I am so proud to know that this precious little girl in her short 2 1/2 years has come to realize the importance of our plants and our garden's and what it means to take care of them and watch them grow and produce. This 2 1/2 year old will eat any vegetable you bring in from the garden and knows the difference between store bought and homegrown. In fact during her visit here at Mima and Papa's last weekend she woke me up at 7:30am (which I was thrilled about as opposed to 6:00am on Saturday morning) and promptly told me she wanted some squash to eat! Well I love you baby with all my heart and soul but Mima's not frying squash at 7:30am!! What about lunch time? "Ok" was the response (thank the Lord, no tears), and by lunch time chicken nuggets was the request as opposed to squash but she would have eaten both had I cooked them.
So my prayer for this precious Angel sent to us from above is that we, MommyDaddy and MimaPapa will not only show her and teach her God's word, but teach her to appreciate the gifts from heaven given to us to guard and protect. The birds, bee's, our gardens and the fruit they bear, given to us so freely only requiring our care in order to feed and continue to provide for us will not only take care of us now, but for years to come as long as us "Farm girls" stay true to taking care of these gifts for many generations. Yes, I'm very proud of our little Farm girl in the making and thinks she's off to a very good start!!
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