Friday, April 16, 2010

This Is A True Story....

This picture is what I looked like heading to my garden spot with Hoe,seeds and a great anticipation of what I was getting ready to plant, watch and tend while waiting for the grand harvest.

This is hubby plowing our garden spot...

I walk down to supervise his tilling when it hits me and I express my surprise to him, knowing he can't hear a word I'm saying but he knows by the movement of my hands,"This thing is really big", he just smiles...hmmm wonder what he's thinking...


Back to the work at hand..

As I headed down to the garden a couple of days ago I wasn't thinking about how I hadn't really had any physical exercise much over the long cold winter, I was just thinking how good I was feeling about playing in the dirt.

Three hours later, I stand back upright and think...oooo my back and thighs are tingly, I'd better go up to the house and hit the Advil! Hubby gets home that afternoon and looks at me and asked "did you get the seeds planted" sure I did. So I head off for a meeting at church still feeling quite proud of my work. A little later, I come home and state hmmmm "my back and legs are achy" his response, that smile again!!

Fast forward to yesterday morning. I woke up and feet hit the floor as always and I head to the bathroom, ouch this really hurts, I mean really really hurts to walk...think Tim Conway steps...very small, slow steps, can I make it....oh no this walking thing hurts! I make it to the toilet...ouch out hurt's to sit! Oh man, can I even get up? I have to use muscles they are hurting, I pull myself up and head for the Advil! I manage to make it through the morning, pain and all, it even hurts to sit at the computer!! Good grief!!

I head to town to try and run a couple of quick errands and just getting down the steps from the deck to the garage was a major effort but I made it! Drive to town do my business then stop at the drug store to pick up a few things...oh my, I can't get out of the know it takes muscles!! I pull myself out get what I need, then thinks I got to get home this whole moving thing is a "pain".

I remember I've got to get the grand this afternoon...which means, got to get back in the car, get out, walk to door, open door and get a great big ball of energy who loves to run and play....a lot, hey I'm having trouble just moving!! Ok I made it, and I look out and little girl and Papa are having a grand ole time swinging, sliding, running and lot's of things that involve using muscles!! Papa is always coming up with lot's of neat and fun things to do, like riding around on a dolly!!

"Hey guys can I ride? I'm hurting and I'm having a very hard time walking."

"What about it Papa, should we let Mima ride"

There's that smile again!!

Once they come inside for supper Papa makes the comment with that smile, " I believe the garden whopped ole Mima".......if looks could kill he would be a dead man!!

This morning, get up again, still slow painful movements, but moving. Get in the shower and remember this is Friday, better shave my legs someone might drop by over the weekend. Try to bend over to shave and OH MY, DEAR SWEET HEAVENLY LORD I can't do it, gotta do it, company might come, there's men in my front yard with chain saws cutting trees if I can't get up will they hear my cries of anguish, will they come to my rescue? Wait a minute, they have chain saws never mind...I can and will do this.

So I pray "Lord give me strength"

And this my friends is a true story!!

The End

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I'm Still Here.....

Yes I know my posts are getting pretty far and in between, but hopefully I can get back in my groove and post more than what I've been doing. This past winter was unusually cold and gray and at times it had me pretty gray myself, but Spring has sprung and my energy level is picking up as well. Here's a snapshot of what's been going on here in the Hollow the last few months. As you know from my last post we had a snow storm early March and in between I kept myself busy doing things that just could not be put off any longer.

Things lurk behind closed doors and I've a fond motto "If I can't see it, surely it's not there" until one day you open one of those doors and boom it happens and you just have to do something about it right then and there! That's exactly what happened when I opened this door that houses our old VCR tapes, DVD's etc. a total mess completely out of control that poured out like an avalanche. GEE WHIZ now I've got to clean this up!

So from that total mess to this....

Whew, glad that one's over. Now to move on to the next mess hiding...our last child at home, well kinda sorta, he's been in college and has always been in and out but this past year he flew the coup, moved out of State and came home during the holidays and got the rest of the stuff he wanted. Ahem!! Left the rest for us. So I got busy and turned that room into a sewing, reading or doing what you want room. A few wood crates and this is what happened.

Not bad if I do say so myself. Now for the Tupperware cabinet!! For you women out there I don't know about you but with a grand baby who is only allowed in that cabinet things had gotten well out of hand. Now tell me, how in the world can I have so many bowls with no lids?? Well I finally got this one done and low and behold I found a birdcage stuck in there last night! Bad bad bird! I'm sure a certain 3 year old angel had her hand in that one.

Well, the next project is my closet, quick close your eyes...not to worry the door is still closed and I can't see it for now..until... I open it again. Arggg!! Oh well it'll happen soon enough, after all I've got to switch out my Winter clothes for Summer.

For now I'll walk outside in the fresh warmth of Spring, raise my face to the "Son" and give thanks for my day...Gray or bright!