Saturday, January 23, 2010

Back to Normal???

During Christmas while out shopping one day, Hubby and I saw this really cool water filter for our kitchen, but since we were buying for others at the time and the price was rather high for our budget, we decided to write the name brand down and do some research on the computer for the same filter perhaps through the manufacturer without the retail markup. We buy a lot of distilled water for drinking, making tea and cooking, not that we don't trust our water company but....we wanted pure water without the chemicals. BINGO, found the water filter and the company linked you to where you could buy, on line as well as the retailers. Well, I decided to order on line with free shipping and a much better price, so I let my fingers do the ordering. At last the second week after Christmas my package arrived!!!! Now I just love seeing my mail lady pull up to my front door, as well as the UPS man, and the FedEx man, because that means we have a prize!! Even though I know what's in the box, I still get the thrill of a child seeing that box.

As I took our prize from the mail lady...rattle, rattle is the sound I hear, hmmmm this can't be good...I tear in the box that is labeled, damaged when received, etc., etc., oh my what is this???? A bunch of hoses, a stainless steel water bottle and a self filtering bottle for when you are on the go....huh, what...where is the invoice??? Crumpled up in the bottom is the invoice, for a dear woman from Hawaii!!!! I look at the box again, no, my name and address is on the box, but what in the world!!! Her invoice and my invoice were one digit off, and after all it was mailed on New Year's anyone???

I contact Customer Service and once again I begin the wait for my package. Low and behold in just a few days I see the mail lady pulling in my driveway again....yeah, my filter is here!!!! Sure enough it was indeed my filter, in one piece surprisingly if you had seen the box!!

I'm thinking I'll surprise Hubby when he gets home by having it all installed and filtering water away, after all how hard can this be!!! Unscrew this, screw this back and bingo....filtered water!!!! Well I did all the unscrewing and screwing just as the instructions said, turned on the water and waaaaa-laaaaaa, I had an explosion of water coming from the kitchen sink!!! Oops lets try this again, re-read the instructions (what's this about an O ring) unscrew, screw, turn the water back on....NOT!!!! Oh well, perhaps it's a man's world after all, so I'll leave this for my man!! I'm doing plenty of "woman's work" by cleaning up all this water!!

Hubby arrives home and our conversation goes like this:

Me: Our water filter came.

Hubby: Good, oh I see you already have it hooked up.

Me: Well, not quite, it kept squirting water everywhere.

Hubby: Did you put the O ring in? (there's that O ring thing again)

Me: I didn't see an O ring, do we have to have one?

Hubby: Yes.

Me: Do we have one?

Hubby: No, I'll have to go to the hardware store, but there should be one there already.

Me: Maybe, I just didn't screw it tight enough.

Hubby: Let me eat my lunch...then I'll take a look.

Hubby: (While looking up in the faucet)There's an O ring already there. (Screw the blasted thing back)!

Ok, now we're ready.....turn the water on and...oh no, water coming from everywhere this time!!!!

Pull out the instructions AGAIN!!!! It reads if leaking occurs (you call this leaking) tighten screws and valves which may become loose during shipping. Ok unscrew whole contraption tighten screw, valves and everything in between put it all back together, hook back up to the faucet and finally......nice filtered pure water!!!

I sure hope the lady in Hawaii had an easier time with her converter kit, from switching from above counter filter to under the sink. The company did send me a self addressed, postage paid box to send her order back.

Yep, I guess things are getting back to normal here in the Hollow after all the festivities. Oh and by the way, I did get the Christmas Wreath off the front door today and the icicle lights down for another year!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A New Year and Decade!!!!

2009 has gone, and along came 2010 and with it a new decade!!! How exciting, but with the new year and new decade we had to finish up the last with lots of fun!!

Christmas brought each one of the boy's and their significant other and family in, along with our sweet, sweet grand daughter and the thrill and wonder only seen through the eye's of a child!! Lot's of wrapping, decorating, and of course cooking going on around here in the last month!! Then alas, the big day Santa came and brought lots of gifts for young and old, but most important the gift of a baby born in a manager to save and free us all, just for the asking!! Oh boy we had a grand ole time, and I will keep these memories as all of us mother's do deep within my

One thing I did take note of is the unnecessary things that went on around here!! I'm sure most of you reading this will relate!! I have decided to write a list and tuck it in my Christmas decorations so next year when I start pulling it all out I will remember and remember well!!

1) Do not put up so many decoration's!!! You only have to take them all down when you're exhausted!! After all Jesus was born in a lowly stable, and I'm guessing there were not decorations all over the yard, much less 2 or 3 trees in the house and every corner decorated with Santa's!

2) Do not cook an 8 pound ham when you only need a 4 pound!! You'll only end up eating ham until you feel like oinking!!! After all every one will be so tired by the time they get to your house another piece of pork will gag them!! Not to mention the huge pot of Shrimp and grit's...let's go with just a little ham and biscuits!! Somehow I don't remember a feast in the manger scene.

3) And now the gifts...give one thing that's really meaningful, not all the frills and such, a gift from the heart. Jesus didn't get his first gift until he was, what 2 or 3 years old when the wise men arrived.

Yes we had a wonderful Christmas, and now the new year has arrived along with hopes and wishes and notes from the previous year to learn by.

I pray that God will lead me, as well as each and every one of you reading this in the way he would have us to go in this upcoming year and decade and that we will open our hearts to the way he would have us to go!!

Happy New Year and God Bless each and every one of you, for he has already blessed me beyond belief and still has a lot in store!!!!