Early on this summer I bought some sunflower seeds at the local Feed & Seed center, and planted them around in some pots here and there around the yard. I have planted them in the past in the flower bed around the deck and always enjoyed them and their glorious bursting of color and admired their height but never really watched them grow. Have you ever really, really watched a sunflower? This year has been different.. I planted my seeds (hoping my feathered friends didn't swipe them before they had a chance to grow), I watered, tended and watched after my dear little seeds, then up they came...woo hoo!! Every morning when I go out to feed my cat Tux and check on the herbs and all my plants I noticed, boy that sunflower is getting big and I mean really big. I had planted this group in a somewhat small coconut lined pot just to see what would happen and low and behold it was growing the biggest and strongest of all, so I started watching that sunflower and it grabbed my attention of how this flower followed the sun all day long....morning to night it would reach with it's head held high following it's sun. It has grown tall with a strong healthy stalk and amazing enough the sunflower continues reaching up toward it's support. As I've watched this flower I've thought about my own and each one of our life's and how similar it is to this mammoth of a flower. We have our children, we tend to them, we feed them and take care of them the best we can, teach them God's word and guide them so they will become strong and healthy with the ability to stand on their own. Then one day the sunflower bursts open the flower with such beauty it thrills us...just like our children, one day all of our efforts burst out with such amazement we are proud we had a part of the strength they have developed. So as I gaze at the sunflower following it's sun, I'm thinking as long as we follow our "Son" the same as the sunflower and as diligently, this amazing gift of, "His Son" that God so graciously has given, to strengthen, encourage, prop us up when we need it and through his blood that was shed for each and every one, we too will be as strong and proud as this magnificent flower!! As I patiently await my sunflowers burst of bloom I too await my own bursting of bloom in my new career that awaits me as long as I stay strong and continue to follow my "Son" sent to me from above!!
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