How many times have we all heard this saying and not really thought about what it really means? As you all know from my previous post's I am learning AGAIN how to live simply and during that process relearning what to really appreciate in life and the blessings that God have given me and continues to give me each day. So in the process of this relearning stage I've been thinking what can I do now to make a difference 100 years from now, what can I do now that will help that part of me that still exists then because God willing there will be a part of myself still going on through one of my offspring's and theirs and so forth, after all I'm here thanks to all my ancestors before me. So one day while admiring God's art work around me I prayed that this earth the way I know it now and when I was a child growing up and hopefully a whole lot better will still be here for my future grand's no matter how many great's there are in between. I want them to see the waterfall's and the wildlife that grow within, wake up and hear the birds, walk out to their garden's and pick the fresh fruit and vegetables that will enable them to feed themselves and their offspring....to enjoy the gift of life that God have given us for free. So what can I (we) do now? Start one day at a time by turning our backs on the chemicals that fill our home's, our landfills and contaminates our lands, gardens and life. So one product at a time I am saving money and hopefully preserving a part of our world by going "green". I am converting all my chemical laden products with less expensive homemade products and to date I'm proud to say everything is looking sparkly and smelling really fine. So next time we see that "to die" for outfit, shoes or purse let's all say to ourselves what difference will it make 100 years from now. Here is a photo with some of my supplies to get myself converting. I realize that one person cannot change the world but there are a lot of one's out there and yes us "one's" can make a difference
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