Yes that's right Blueberries!!!! My dear hubby had last Friday off for the 4th of July and took a trip to town. When he got home from the garden center, hardware store, grocery store and every other excursion he had in between (I even called him on his cell to make sure he was ok) low and behold he came bearing not one but two blueberry bushes. I was soooooo excited (as I've said before it's the simple things that are pleasing me these days) not only did he have two bushes but they were bearing fruit, not much, but fruit. So in my future I see blueberry pancakes, muffins, jam, and a freezer stocked with the color of blue!!! I am so excited, and so as I continue my endeavor of finding a new job I pray God leads me to one that allows me to keep these simple pleasures close and most important in my heart. I know with out a shadow of a doubt God has placed me at this very place in my life for a reason and it is for sure he will lead me when and where I need to go next and still give me time for those sweet blueberries and all of the other simple pleasures I have grown to so love!!
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