My sister Stephanie and I were talking on the phone recently and I was telling her how excited I was, yes excited, over the fact that hubby had put a clothesline up for me. Our conversation turned to when we were kids and everyone in our neighborhood had a line for drying clothes and it was, well just normal!! One of our neighbors at the time had one of those new clotheslines, you know the kind that looked liked an umbrella only no top only lines strung all around. We thought it was so modern and cool!! Now days it's not to often you see clothes drying outside and in fact there are some who want to ban it altogether!!! Give me a break, a ban from letting Mother Nature do her job, not to mention all the creative fun that comes from those clothes hanging on the line!!
I remember when Momma hung the sheets out, she would hang them over several lines to stretch them out so they would dry faster. My sister and I would pretend they were our tents and we would set camp up under them!!! What fun we had, such imaginations, no such things as X-boxes, i-pods or all the other gadgets that so many children have now, just two young minds at work planning our day at camp!! We would run through the clothes and let the fresh smell of those clothes fill our senses!! I'm sure Momma really didn't appreciate us running through them, risking pulling them down onto the ground, but she never said anything and we were always responsible for being there to help fold as she took them down.
I did have one really bad experience with our clothesline as a young girl. Using that creative mind and sometimes not to smart, I decided with my partner in crime by my side, (Stephanie) that I was going to make a swing with an old belt off the lawnmower. I tied that bad boy the tightest I could on the ends and proceeded to take off flying in my new found discovery....when wham, it broke and down I went bottom straight to the ground!!! The force of the hit was so hard it knocked the breath out of me!!!! Poor Stephanie thought I was dying and went running in the house for Momma, out the back door comes Momma with little Stephanie right behind her, by that time I'm sure I was about blue, but finally caught my breath and Momma asked me what in the world was I thinking???? Who knows exactly, but I thought I had really come up with a bright idea and sister and I were going to swing the day away!!! So much for that!!
I've had the opportunity in the last couple of weeks of hanging the clothes out to dry, to enjoy the freshness of towels dried in the sunshine and to let my mind wander back to clothesline tents and the fun and frolic of small children!! In my effort to conserve energy, not to mention the power bill, I am also being given free of charge the opportunity to use my mind while out enjoying the gifts that God has given each and every one of us....the gift of a blue sky with white puffy clouds painting the sky with designs that only we can describe as an elephant or a rabbit, or anything else our eye's decide!!! The chance to witness first hand the changing of the season and to literally enjoy this day the Lord has made!!

Yep I'm excited and loving the clothesline!!
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