With me by his side holding and positioning the fan so he could at least have a breeze, keeping his tea glass filled and a month of weekends the project was finally completed and I started my "decorating".

Adding plants, tables, lanterns and anything that added to our outdoor room. Now keep in mind this area adjoins our porch that's covered so we can enjoy being outside during rain or shine with a bit of tropical decor I pulled together.

In the midst of all this Terracotta, mango and lime colors I decided that the side of the house being just all white, just didn't fit in! With my mind racing I thought of different things that could tie this "white wall" in with my idea's...BINGO, I need a mural, but they are expensive and not in the budget right now so I thought a scenic shower curtain!!! Perfect solution, inexpensive, weather proof and not too hard, so that's what I did! Pretty proud of myself for coming up with this idea.

This picture was made prior to the Pergola being completed but you get the idea, I was trying out my thought!!
I was pleased until...my two and a half year old granddaughter came over!! She had been here during the building but enjoyed going up and down the ladder with Mima or Papa standing by holding on to her so there would be no accidents and really hadn't paid much attention to the actual project. This particular day she got here I asked her what she thought of what Papa had done and right out of the mouth of this babe was oooo... bathtub!!! BATHTUB??? What in the world was she talking about? So when I told Gene what she said he stated it's the shower curtain you hung!!! Needless to say the "mural" came down and now I'm staring at the "white wall" again.

I'm thinking if all of us would be honest with each other (maybe not as brutal as a young child) but with loving and caring words we could help each other make better choices in our life and not have to "redo" what we've already done and be much happier in the long run.
So now I'm faced with what to do that will not look like a giant bathtub? Maybe an old iron gate or iron headboard of a bed, I could paint it a bright color that would tie in and give the old white wall some life!! What idea's do you have?? Feel free to send me any suggestions, but please be nice, I've taken enough abuse from a 2 year old!!
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