Here in the south summer afternoon storms are common and often bring some much needed relief from the heat and humidity, such was the case this afternoon and then there are times when it only increases the conditions of stifling heat!!
This evening we had one of those storms that brought relief, calmness that filled the air, everything green and alive, crickets chirping, tree frogs singing and the hummingbirds filling their tiny little bellies.

It's in times like this I think about the storms of my own life and that of others. There are often many storms in our life, sickness, cancer, death of loved one's, the lost job and these are just to name a few, there are so many storms...but at the end of each and every storm there is calmness, a peace that everything is ok, I threw my anchor out, I held on and all is well!! Sometimes the storm throws lots of havoc our way but in the end...all is good!!! Perhaps not in the way we would prefer but it is good, in the way that is meant to be!!

Ray Boltz has a song "The Anchor Holds" which with my husband displaying the magnificent talent God has blessed him with by playing the guitar I sing, and with every word that comes out of my mouth, I'm feeling every single word!! Yes there is and will be calmness after the storm!!

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