I'm talking about my birthday present I received last week from my husband, a brand new sparkly camera!!!! Yeah baby, I've come along way in the ownership of camera's!!! The first one I remember was my parent's Kodak Brownie and once I got old enough they let me take the pictures!!! Oh how grown up I felt standing behind that camera peering down into the lenses and taking pictures!!
Then came my very own, mine ole mine, the Polaroid Swinger!!!!! That was back when mini skirts and shin-dig boots were in style and I still had the body to wear them!! Just couldn't miss an episode of American Bandstand and Shin-Dig!!!! Back when the Beatles first came to the US and Elvis was still rockin and rolling!!! The Edge of Night was my favorite soap opera and it came on at 4:00 in the afternoon. We got home from school just in the nick of time for a snack and catch the day's mysterious story!!!!

There's been quite a few camera's in between that Swinger and now, but I got that same excitement with my birthday present this year at 54, as I did when I received my first very own Swinger!!!
Introducing my brand new (well actually about a week old now) Sony Cybershot!!!!!

Perhaps because it has so many more features than my last camera and I'm seeing my surroundings, life and people in a whole different light these days and looking forward to capturing it all on film for those who care to remember!! Life changes each day, before we know it the things that are so familiar to us today will seem ancient in just a few short years, so while I can, I will snap away and preserve some of these precious moments on film for all to look and say....oh I remember that or oh my gosh look how old fashion!!!
Now I've just got to learn how to use the thing!!!!

Nice picture of the ground don't you think? Stay tuned I promise they get better!!!
HEY SIS! Love the new wallpaper on your blog site page AND love the pic you took w/your new camera...of the ground! HA! Have fun with it! Love Ya