Brings with it a number of events in my neck of the woods!! So far the month is just getting started and already every weekend is full!!! We have friends that we haven't seen in a long time coming in for a fun evening of picking, grinning, singing and homemade stew, wedding, Fall Festivals, homecoming at church and of course Halloween!!!
To start the month off was a beautiful full moon.

Such a beautiful sight coming over the pines!!
Next, our town's Street Market, which has local vendors and all their wonderful crafted good's was this past weekend. I bought my sweet little grand daughter an adorable Halloween pocketbook, just her size, then strolled the downtown merchants with all the treasures they have to offer, such a fun Fall afternoon.
My highlight of this past Saturday afternoon was supporting our community volunteer fire department during their annual Fall Barbecue Fundraiser!!! Such a warm feeling to pull up and see the neighborhood girls selling their goods of, pumpkins, cabbages and collards grown by themselves, the local children in all their excitement climbing on the firetrucks and having the time of their lives pretending they where the next firefighters of the community, and the horse and buggy rides!!! After purchasing my delicious barbecue and on my way home I came upon this ride in front of me, and no I did not mind what so ever that I was going 2 miles an hour, I was thrilled at the sight and was thankful these folks were enjoying a blast from the past!!

October also brought to us a stray momma cat and her two kittens!!! Now I was not in the market for more kitties and neither was Tux our faithful cat we adopted from the pound. He's trying very hard to be patient and deal with the situation until we find good homes, or take to vet to be fixed so we won't have any more surprise kittens!!! Oh well, that's what happens when you live in the country. You just don't turn your back on God's creatures, great and small, after all they are just babies and Momma is trying to make her way and feed them, like human momma's who have fallen on bad times.

Welcome October, I'm enjoying our outdoor fire, the warm feelings of your colors, the comfort foods that's cooking in the kitchen and looking forward to the rest of the month and all the blessings it has to bring!!!!!

Thank you Lord for bringing October in with such blessings, I'm looking forward to many more to come!!
Oh, How sweet! The baby kittens are precious! Love the story & pics!Yes...October a fun and beautiful month!