This past summer and my unemployment of a public sector has kept me quite busy...gardening, canning, freezing, and hanging my laundry in the sunshine to dry has kept me a very busy woman!!! How in the world did I do all this and work outside the home? I know, I adopted the idea that do what you can to keep the health department out and run a fairly smooth household and don't worry about what you can't see!!!
Well, since the outside work is calming down and I'm turning to the inside while I continue to do my job search I've had a few brain storms, which has ended up causing me a lot of work!!! One of those was since the ceiling fans are not running all the time, and we are having delightful weather we haven't really needed to run them all day. I looked up....bad mistake...there it was...couldn't see it while they were running, dust...oh my gosh lots of it, so there you go chore #1, turn them back on. Next brainstorm, the beautiful old oak chest we inherited when my dear in laws went on to their mansion in heaven (with no chores or housework). At the time I put it in our grand daughters room with clothes in it for her. Well I decided, that old chest brings with it lots of memories...Papa Hare was always opening the top drawer when we came to visit to pull out a treasure for the grandsons or some other mysterious gadget or who knows what he had stashed in there!!! During one visit I was having lots of pain in my knee's and he had the perfect cure!!! So while I sat next to him on the couch he pulled out this "root" and began rubbing it over my knee telling me my pain would be gone, while everyone else snickered, I believed dear Papa. Finally, I asked well, what is it??? His answer....Coon Root!!!! What is that, and my dear husband stated, a coon root!!! Ewwww I've been tricked!!! He was such a dear, family loving man and the last time I saw the "coon root" it was hanging on my husbands guitar, I guess in case any of his "pickin" buddies get joint pain!!!

While moving this piece of furniture from the bedroom to our dining room, a place where we could admire it everyday and recall our sweet, sweet memories...oh my gosh....well, you know what lurks under the furniture, other than lots and lots of dust, there lay a petrified marshmallow, I guess our grand daughter was saving it for a later day... oh my gosh!!!! Chore # 2!!!
Then, since our youngest has graduated from college and moved to Alabama, we decided to make use of the extra room, and I decided to move a ceramic table that I've been saving for one of the boy's, but as of yet no one has claimed it!!! It is perfect for cutting out fabric, no worry about scratching ceramic up, and for sewing. This bugger is so heavy, there is no way I could pick it up, so another brainstorm...get it in the door then slide it on an old quilt, brilliant, but I had to move furniture, rugs, and a huge cabinet in the hall that weighs a ton!!!! In the process, oh my gosh chore # 3,4,5!!!!!
I've heard it said, and have read, that God cannot exist, you can't see him, you can't talk with him and he doesn't answer back!!!! But I'm here to tell you, I see him every single day, when I awake and see the day that lies ahead of me, the sunshine, the rain, the trees,the flowers and all else that is so gratefully given to us!! I talk with him every single day, and he answers, with a soft breeze on my face, a sweet song of a bird, or the croaking of a frog!!!! Oh yeah I see our Creator every day, but as far as the chore's go....I prefer the method of if I can't see it, it's not there!!!
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