I then when about my morning routine which includes checking my emails and the missionary's I follow on their daily routines, and I had the absolutely sweetest email that I can ever recall receiving. I've just got to share it with you all.
My Dearest Rhonda,
I just wanted to tell you about my wonderful friend who is having a birthday today.
She is just one of the most incredible women I know. She has courage beyond belief and has gone through many things in her life that would have caused most women to give up. She is a strong Christian and is proud to let the world know how good her God has been to her. He has been with her to overcome all obstacles the old devil has sent her way. Her faith is unstoppable.
She is the most beautiful woman--inside and out. Her smile is always there to be given away to anyone who needs one. Her caring spirit is so much apart of her that she never tires of helping others. When you need a friend, she is there without delay.
She is the wife of a wonderful husband who adores her. She is the mother of two incredible young men who loves her for always guiding them. She is the grandmother of an adorable little angel who brightens her life everyday. She is loved by her family.
She is the best and loyal friend of many but I am most fortunate that I can call her MY FRIEND. I know that she will always be there if I ever need her. I can count on her whenever I just need someone to talk to or to pray for me or just be my friend. She is loved by her friends.
This friend is you, Rhonda! I thank God for bringing you into my life and keeping us close over the years. My prayer for you today, as always, is that God Blesses You in all that you do. I pray that your 55th year will be the start of an incredible journey for you as you proceed with another chapter in the life of Rhonda Wilkerson Hare.
Happy Birthday, dear Friend! I love you and pray that God continues to bless you every minute of your life!
Now let me tell you, I was tearing up to the point of not even being able to see the words as I read this precious birthday greeting! What a blessing...to even imagine that someone thought of me in this way!! It made the path for my day!!
My dear sweet husband wrote me an equally sweet note for my day, but I will keep that one between us! After all there are some things between husband and wife that only our Sweet Lord needs to know!
My day was filled with lots of simple pleasures:
My clothes hanging on the line, with a sweet gentle breeze blowing them dry.

Lot's of birthday wishes and phone calls....I have to admit, it makes a girl feel happy!!
Last night, while taking a dear friend out prior to starting her chemotherapy was indeed another blessing...the blessing of dear friends who stand together, who are there for one another no matter the current crisis in our life, friends who are willing to give, cook, drive you to your treatments...and most important, friends who will pray without ceasing for your cure! (Not to mention the heavenly pie I received for dessert in honor of my special day)

Then add a few more to the bunch, those who were "children" when we all became friends but whom have grown up with us and have come to love us just as their mothers have.

What a absolutely , marvelous, birthday I've had and I owe it all to my wonderful family and friends, who made this day very special for me, with special thanks and prayer to my Heavenly Father, who made it all possible.
I am so looking forward to this next year of my life, with the upcoming blessings that are awaiting for me!
And I pray...Thank you Lord for the blessings of Family and Friends, lead, guide, direct me in the way you would have me to go in this upcoming year of life you have graciously given me!
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