Can you believe it? Me who never, ever and I mean ever Win's anything won something two weekends in a row! I'm telling you in the last 30 years I can count on one hand how many things that has come my way free of charge! The reason I remember so vividly of the years is my oldest was a baby when I first won my first prize. At the time I was living in Houston, Texas and the subdivision we lived in was practically a city in itself. We had grocery stores, hair salons, dress shops anything you wanted within walking distance. At the time we only had one vehicle so the weeks that I had the car I would do my major grocery shopping. This particular week I had gone to the grocery store and bought the monthly supplies, you could print your name and phone number on the back of the receipt, drop it in the box and each week the store would draw a slip out and award the weekly winner that week's groceries free!!!!! I received a phone call that week and it sorta went like this...Mrs. Baker did you buy groceries this week at ABC groceries and write a check? Now I'm thinking at the time.... yes and I'm sure I balanced my checkbook correct, indeed I was covered!! My response..."well yes", CONGRATULATIONS you are our weekly winner of groceries....Whew, sweat pouring off my forehead!!!! They reimbursed me for my groceries for that week!!! What a wonderful blessing at the time!
My second winning was a drawing at work. My branch that I was working in had the highest
percentage of sales for the year and we were entered into a contest for a trip to New York City! My name was drawn, hubby and I had a wonderful long weekend to New York!! A trip for both of us, neither one of us had ever visited that wonderful and enchanted city!
Then last Saturday I was in a really big hurry to get to the Post Office, there was a bill needing to be paid and I was in a mad dash to get there before the mail cutoff for the day. I also wanted to get to the local Farmers Market prior to closing...what do I do...P.O. first or Farmers Market...decision...bill is more important so that I did. After leaving the P.O. I headed on out to the Market, considering ole Rocky had stole my corn and we were having a hankering for some good ole corn on the cob! As I was walking up to the vendors, two very nice gentlemen were walking toward me at the same time...I'm thinking...OK what's this? Sure I didn't take time to put any makeup on, I look like a Hant...but all I want is some corn and believe this or not...a few tomatoes, I had worked our way out of those juicy, round, red tomatoes! You know they come in all at once, can't keep them long and then, boom, all gone!! Those sweet men looked at me and said, "CONGRATULATIONS" you are our 300th visitor to the Farmers Market today"!! I won a $5.00 voucher for any vendor there that day!! I was thrilled, after all, like I said I never, hardly, ever win anything!! So I got all these lovely fruits and vegetables for only $6.00. What a blessing that was!!

Cabbage, Tomatoes, Corn and Apples!
I had a wonderful time talking with the vendor about how he grew this beautiful crop and come to find out he and a partner has several crops though out the state to keep it going for 3 seasons!! I also noticed he has the very same bumper sticker as myself posted.

Something we all need to remember!!
Yesterday, I was invited to a Pampered Chef party and believe it or not, I won the door prize!!! I received a wonderful, Season's Best Cook Book!!!
Do you think I'm on a roll? Do you think I'll win the Lottery??? Of course if you think about it, I guess I'd have to buy a think?? After all a $1.00 is a $1.00 and that sure would buy a mess of corn this time of year!
And I pray..."Thank you Lord for all your and paid for"