I've talked about my rediscovering in previous posts along with the redirecting of my life, but what I haven't talked about is the reconnecting and the aspect of staying connected.
One of the great things about the season's of our life are the friends that comes with each change, your childhood years, teenage years, young adulthood, becoming a full adult and then the stage I'm in now the mature adult! Being unemployed outside the home has given me the time to reconnect with some of those friends, neighbors and distant family. It has given me the time to learn about social networking on the Internet and finding old neighbors, schoolmates, and friends that I haven't seen or talked with in a very long time. The time to stop whatever I'm doing and drive 40 miles to enjoy a special occasion during lunch, which I could not have done while working, the time to have a several hour conversation on the phone with a friend whom was one of my best buddies in school that I haven't seen in 29 years, time to have a friend who has come from half way across the US, stay with me and not have to worry about taking time off work just to enjoy a few hours, but the ability to spend the whole time visiting, laughing and acting like a bunch of giggly girls.

This past month has brought several such occasions and I enjoyed every minute of our time together, whether it was a phone conversation, a lunch, a dinner or a very lovely pajama party, what fun I have had. As I prepare myself for the next season of my life, a new job when the time is right and my Creator decides that it's time for me to move on, I'm looking forward to the new friendships that are bound to come my way and continuing to hook up and reconnect with the old one's and appreciate each one of my friends old and new and for what they have brought to me and my life.

Thank you all dear friends and for what you have given me....a friendship of a lifetime!!!