Things lurk behind closed doors and I've a fond motto "If I can't see it, surely it's not there" until one day you open one of those doors and boom it happens and you just have to do something about it right then and there! That's exactly what happened when I opened this door that houses our old VCR tapes, DVD's etc. a total mess completely out of control that poured out like an avalanche. GEE WHIZ now I've got to clean this up!

So from that total mess to this....

Whew, glad that one's over. Now to move on to the next mess hiding...our last child at home, well kinda sorta, he's been in college and has always been in and out but this past year he flew the coup, moved out of State and came home during the holidays and got the rest of the stuff he wanted. Ahem!! Left the rest for us. So I got busy and turned that room into a sewing, reading or doing what you want room. A few wood crates and this is what happened.

Not bad if I do say so myself. Now for the Tupperware cabinet!! For you women out there I don't know about you but with a grand baby who is only allowed in that cabinet things had gotten well out of hand. Now tell me, how in the world can I have so many bowls with no lids?? Well I finally got this one done and low and behold I found a birdcage stuck in there last night! Bad bad bird! I'm sure a certain 3 year old angel had her hand in that one.

Well, the next project is my closet, quick close your eyes...not to worry the door is still closed and I can't see it for now..until... I open it again. Arggg!! Oh well it'll happen soon enough, after all I've got to switch out my Winter clothes for Summer.
For now I'll walk outside in the fresh warmth of Spring, raise my face to the "Son" and give thanks for my day...Gray or bright!
Keep up the good work!