I'm thinking that the season's of the year are not that much different than us humans. Just like us they each have their own personalities.
Old Man Winter, who can be a very grumpy old man, and then other times can be just as mellow as he can be. When he's in a bad mood he like's to blow a lot of cold wind around making us very uncomfortable, trying his best to make us as grumpy as he is. With all the gray skies, bitter cold, rain, sleet, freezing rain, he's doing a pretty good job of it. Then again he does enjoy at times seeing us play in the snow, making snowmen, snow angels and a good old warm cup of hot chocolate.
Then there's Miss Spring who likes to be very, very prissy, flying around like a Fairy, painting everything in sight with bright and vivid colors. Who at times can be very temperamental and likes to pitch a bit of a tantrum by creating havoc with her storms. Overall, loves to make us smile again with her sunshine and the bursting forth of blooms everywhere.
Summer, who is a matronly woman with a little tom-boyish left in her, loves to have fun rolling in the green grass, climbing trees, enjoying life. She can at times have a violent temper and feels she has earned her right to display it with bolts of lightning and throwing thunder around. Being her matronly self though she enjoys seeing the gardens bring forth their bounty, and families enjoying time together as the warmth of summer takes them on much needed together times.
Ahhhh....Fall, a gentle man who enjoys sharing his warm colors, smells of fallen leaves and crisp winds. He likes to blanket us with warmth during the day and let's us bask in the chill of the evening. Giving us those wonderful pumpkins for cooking and carving jack-o-lanterns and bringing us together during a time of Thanksgiving. I'm guessing he's preparing us for his brother that will be coming and could be very grumpy!
Then there is their Mother...Mother Nature, who tries with all her might to keep all of her children in line, without too much fussing and fighting, after all she answers to no one other than The Father, The Creator.
Right now I'm thinking that Mother Nature is trying very hard to calm her son Old Man Winter who's been grumpier than usual this year and has played and played until he's now, down right ornery and really needs to take a nap! In the mean time Miss Prissy Spring has awaken from her nap and is jumping up and down saying "It's my turn, it's my turn, make him go to sleep so I can have a turn" I can just imagine what Mother Nature is saying to herself as she throws out her hands and look's up "Father give me patience"!!